April Issue

S P R I N G : Cleaning & Clearing

Spring is a time to freshen up your living space, getting rid of any clutter that may have accumulated over the winter months. Kiin’s approach to spring cleaning focuses both on organization and clearing the home of any stale energy. This is where spiritual clearing comes in…

Crystals are known for having powerful healing properties that can be used as an amazing resource when cleansing your space. Each crystal has its own unique makeup and functionality serving as a beautiful addition to any room. One of our favs is clear quartz…this colorless mineral in feng shui is good for strengthening the effects of other crystals and some of its benefits include purifying the energy in the room and aiding in manifestation. As a clear stone it is also a great addition to many decor styles, featured above in this SoHo apartment Carolyn decorated for renowned esthetician, Joanna Czech. Placing crystals strategically throughout the home can help to balance the energy and promote positive vibes.


K I I N ’ S H O M E C L E A R I N G T I P S

Cleansing Closet Space

Selenite can help neutralize your clothes from negative vibes, replacing them with positive, clear energy. Keeping this crystal in your closet can help to clear and balance the energy absorbed from individuals and spaces when you’re out and about.

Smudging Your Living Area

Cleansing your home with palo santo has many benefits for your mind and body. Palo santo is believed to have cleansing and healing powers that can help clear negative energy, improve focus and concentration, and reduce stress and anxiety. Palo santo is also said to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a natural air purifier.

Decorating with Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms symbolize renewal and new beginnings. These flowers are known for their delicate beauty and vibrant colors, coupled with an organic wood stem making them an excellent combo to any home decor. They can add a touch of elegance, beauty and sophistication.

Featuring kiin’s picks…


May Issue


February Issue