June Issue

Welcome to kiin…

With all the changes that have happened in the past two years, we’ve gained quite a bit of life experience. For me, this time helped me to realize how vital deep, personal connections are to our happiness. Having always placed a strong value on my relationships with my girlfriends, during this current phase of life, the depths of these relationships have broadened and deepened. We have become a network of support, collaborative information, and shared experience.

This is why kiin was launched. The name kiin—a take on the word “kinship”—was chosen for what it evokes: a feeling, a relatedness… the sharing of similar values, interests, and curiosities.

Kiin is a creative content platform composed of the best in home decor, fashion, beauty, and wellness. It is a destination for luxury products carefully curated with the intent to connect to the needs and desires of this amazing demographic of women. Each item we suggest is chosen with careful thought and intention, focusing on satisfying the tastes and needs of our community.

Our homes have become a major focus in our lives. Our personal space is now a hub not only for home, but also for work and play. Creating interiors that are both functional and indulgent is my passion. Setting a welcoming mood by layering luxurious fabrics and textures, incorporating organic materials, inviting scents, and ambient lighting is my recipe for composing a space primed for ease and enjoyment.

Where we live impacts how we live.

x Carolyn

kiin Picks


kiin interview: Carolyn Siden, Founder + Lead Designer

  1. Over the past two years, what is the most important thing you learned?

    Never take anything for granted… just how important our connections to others is in our lives… and how vital it is to see one another/spend quality time together. We are social beings and are meant to be around one another. It’s the little things that mean the most.

  2. How has your home environment evolved during this time?

    I’ve always been a “nester” and truly enjoy quality time at home. Our home lives have expanded, becoming the place we not only live, but also work. We are now experiencing a new “normal” where our home environments have become multi-functional and our need for flexibility has become essential.

  3. What are your top tips for anyone who would like to create a more calming, serene living space?

    Clear clutter... empty space is like a designer’s Xanex. Maximize natural light. My mantra is “less is more.” Music is a constant in my home. Connect to the music that makes you happy.

  4. How do you stay centered while immersed in New York City life?

    I meditate every morning. It’s a commitment I’ve had for years. It starts my day off right, making me feel more balanced, helping me see my priorities more clearly. Before any screens, and after coffee, I sit down in a comfortable spot with great natural light and play my Spotify meditation music, light a candle with intent and quietly meditate for 15 to 20 minutes every day. Having a meaningful, beautiful crystal around is always a bonus.

    When my schedule gets too packed and I feel off-balance, I know how to protect my time and say “no.”

  5. Five items in your medicine cabinet—skincare, make-up, and/or scent—that you cannot live without?

    La Mer The Body Crème, Diptyque 34 Eau de Parfum, Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer, Vichy roll-on deodorant, and Lumify eye-drops for when I get up in the morning knowing I had an extra glass of wine the night before!

  6. Five spring wardrobe staples?

    A great leather jacket, a perfect T-shirt, a yummy cardigan, and a pair of light-wash jeans


July Issue